
Readapt, 2023
2 hours
AAPL Studios

This interactive performance Readapt allows the artist and viewer to engage in a dialog about the nature of observation and perception. The artist sets up cameras so that viewers can observe his face and eye, while simultaneously projecting the artist’s eye onto the wall. This process creates a multi-layered dynamic of observation that encourages viewers to introspect and reflect on their own participation as observers. The viewer becomes both subject and object of observation, creating a reflective experience that connects the artist and audience in a shared observation and contemplation of the nature of art. The artwork “Readapt” explores the boundaries of intimacy and transparency in the digital age, raising questions about the control of one’s identity and perception in public space. At the same time, it highlights the role of technology in shaping our perception of the world and ourselves.

Photo: G. Engelmann ©

Laboratory of the Flow of Consciousness
PERFORMANCE and video Installation
Lab of the Consciousness Flow, 2016
2 hours
Multimedia Cultural Center MKC, Split, Croatia
Denis Vitaljic

In the work “Laboratory of the Flow of Consciousness” I use hands as subject and medium, rubber gloves, action, performance, installation and video projection. Rubber Gloves represents the subversion of human responsibility, adding a layer of complexity to the consideration of human relationships and ethical norms.
The emphasis on the process rather than the end product suggests a deeper interest in the investigative process itself rather than the end result. The concept of a laboratory as a place for exploration and experimentation without predetermined solutions further emphasises the experimental approach to art and opens up space for unexpected and creative outcomes. 

Photo: Denis Vitaljic ©

Žutilo (Yellowness)
Žutilo, 2014
20 min
Nina Kamenjarin
UMAS, Arts Academy Split

The performance “Žutilo” is actually an artistic act in which I paint the pages of the daily press with yellow paint. The performance is designed as a critique of media manipulation and society’s passivity towards the information that is presented to them daily, ready for consumption. It reflects my criticism of the media for treating readers as passive consumers without encouraging critical thinking. Social passivity and lack of critical thinking towards the information and its sources that we consume can easily lead to manipulation and control.
(Yellow journalism refers to a type of journalism that focuses on sensationalism, often using exaggerated headlines and unverified information to grab readers’ attention and increase sales. The aim of yellow journalism is to entertain and shock rather than to inform objectively and accurately.)

PHOTO: Žutilo (Yellowness), 2014, Video (8 min, sound, color)

Konflikt, 2015
with Nina Kamenjarin
1 hour
Perforacije Festival 2015
Zorica Bulic

 The performance Conflict by Nina Kamenjarin and Dijana Engelmann questions sociological issues; it questions the positions of “stronger and weaker” through the verbal process and measures strength to the limit of endurance. How sincere is communication and how much do we hide under the “masks” of socially conditioned norms, regardless of the length of acquaintance and nominal depth of friendship? As a result of provocation, one strives to break through and explode the “masks” and reveal one’s personal, passive-aggressive, unconscious identity.

Photo: Zorica Bulic ©